I love that this family comes together to freeze this moment in time. I say it often, and I am not always great about it myself, but it’s so important to capture these heirlooms for our families.  I am really great about getting my loved ones on my walls and updating them but I made the realization last year that I am horrible about getting my pictures off my cell phone. Then, I found Chatbooks! Have you heard of them? It’s an amazing app on your phone and you create little coffee table books from your pictures! It’s so easy too and I love flipping through the pages looking back on all the moments in my life. I think I’m going to blog about it, but if you are reading this and want to get started, here is $10 off! The moral of the story is print your images…. even the snapshots on your phone!!

I met up with the Hylton family in the West Bottoms this year. We found a cute brick wall and even though the wind was not giving us much grace, we managed to get some great pictures for this family.

Get to know me!

I have always been more interested in capturing everyday moments and genuine emotions of people and this is reflected in how I photograph my clients. I will always prefer laughter instead of a cheesy smile. I will always prefer to leave the disney band-aid on the scabbed knee instead of photoshopping it out. I will always prefer the image of you gazing at your dog as he wags his tail and kisses your face despite how 'fat' you feel. Time goes REALLY fast so choose to live in the moment and I would love to capture it for you!





Kansas City Area Photographer